
A Talk From Mr. Steven Lim

     I was very excited for our group leader Mr. Steven Lim attended our center meeting.

He has gave us a great and easier talk to let us more attention,

"Our world has been ever changing."

     A non-stop changing let the civilian's life getting more difficult..

The rich will getting richer & the poor will getting poorer~

High living people will still able to carry on their luxury life. 

Low living people can't even care about the world,

coz they can't even afford a Proton Saga. 

     Most stuck in the hard life are in the Middle Living People, 

they have to work double or even triple hard 

to gain enough as a survivor in order not to let themselves fall 

into low living category.

     So,how should we do to have a great lifetime?

Nowadays,we could not live frugally to reach our life balance.

We have to think of the ways to increase our monthly income more and more~

No matter what you've been doing,

just get a way to let the money earn money by

no criminal,no cheating,and no hurting.

This is our world crisis.

Should be pay more attention~

Besides,we hang out together in the end~

And finally I returned the dress to Wincent...haha..

Really love this condition...

Because I will always learned something every time I gone.

For yesterday,I learned how to apply double eyelid glue correctly!!

I'd like to try today~


Thanks ya,Wincent =P